The Congress, in Andhra Pradesh, has taken the decision to participate alone in the upcoming elections to the State Assembly and Lok Sabha. According Oommen Chandy, the party's central leader and head of all party affairs in Andhra Pradesh, Congress had decided to contest all 175 Assembly and all 25 Lok Sabha seats.
This would result in the cancellation of the alliance of the Telugu Desam Party and when questioned about whether Mr Chandrababu Naidu, the CM of Andhra Pradesh was updated regarding their decision, Oommen commented saying he was associated to the AICC and not the TDP or it’s leader and hence doesn’t have to update him about the congress’ decision to contest independently.
It was also announced by Oommen that post a meeting of all the party conveners of Lok Sabha and Assembly constituencies, everything related to elections will be finalised.
Although Congress didn’t fare well in Andhra Pradesh during the 2014 elections, Oommen is extremely positive in Andhra Pradesh’s new-found faith in Rahul Gandhi and the congress, but will this be enough?