Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal lashed out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi by saying that the people of the nation had chosen a PM who was just a Class 12th Pass. He then appealed to the masses to find someone educated and qualified for the position, as, a mere 12th pass doesn't have an understand where he is putting his sign.
Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Chandrababu Naidu had also attended Kejriwal's rally for demanding an educated PM on Wednesday.
He tweeted:
"I appeal to the citizens of India that they must choose wisely before they cast their votes in the upcoming elections. India has great potential for growth and it needs an educated PM to lead it. This country does not need an oppressor who will destroy democracy and constitution,"
Post the rally, all opposition leaders gathered at Sharad Pawar's house in Delhi with an aim to make peace between the Congress and the AAP. The two parties had ruled out the chances of forming an alliance for the upcoming elections.
Mamata Banarjee gave a statement after the meeting, “We will have a pre-poll alliance to remove Modi. Pre-poll alliance so there is no difficulty afterwards.”
She also added that an alliance in Delhi and West Bengal isn’t yet decided.
The opposition has also alleged that the PM Modi's Bachelor of Arts degree is fake.
The Chief Information Commissioner directed the Delhi University to allow investigation of the records of all the students who graduated in BA in the year 1978, which according to the university, the PM had cleared his exam