Addressing a gathering in Chittoor, Pawan Kalyan said that everyone should be well-informed and aware of the politics happening in and around the country. He even shared that, he too entered into politics after becoming well-informed and obtaining the necessary information; and If any of his party workers think or feel that JSP is only for this forthcoming 2019 Lok Sabha elections, they are very much wrong and are most welcomed to leave the party.
Jansana chief Pawan Kalyan has asked his party workers to visit rural areas to educate and make people aware of the party's priorities. He said that the public should know that Janasena party will rise above caste or any kind of classifications and provide an equal opportunity to all.
He voiced that politics is not at all like movies and I am very much aware of it and also you cannot achieve your destination overnight.
Pawan Kalyan said that some of the families were responsible for the backwardness of this Rayalaseema region. Although he refrained from naming anyone; he said that due to factional politics, this area had been neglected for many decades.
He said that the Jana Sena is committed to restoring the lost glory of this region. Political power is so stuck and concentrated in the hands of few families that the development of this area has become impossible. Only if people are freed from the clutches of these selfish politicians and their vested interests; development would happen. He mentioned that Muslims were the most affected and are only considered as a vote bank.