The All India Trinamool Congress announced its manifesto for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections on Wednesday. Party Leader and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee promised that the party will conduct an investigation into demonetization and revive the Planning Commission if the opposition alliance comes to power in the Lok Sabha elections.
Banerjee claimed that the 100 days' work scheme will be increased to 200 days with the wages doubled under it. "We would conduct a probe into the decision of demonetization and bring back the Planning Commission. While making the promises of probing into demonetization and bringing back the Planning Commission, she added that the NITI Aayog is of no use.
National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) is a policy think tank of the Government of India, established with the aim to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and to enhance cooperative federalism by fostering the involvement of State Governments of India in the economic policy-making process using a bottom-up approach. Its initiatives include "15-year road map", "7-year vision, and strategy and action plan. (Source-Wikipedia)
Talking about the Goods and Services Tax, she said that they will review it and if it does really help people, they will keep it.
Banerjee objected to the appointment of former Border Security Force director general K K Sharma as special police observer for West Bengal and Jharkhand during the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
She asked, "How can a retired police officer look after the deployment of serving police personnel? She added that during Sharma’s tenure as the DG, he had attended an RSS program and that too in uniform.