Two weeks ago, Sujav Vikhe Patil was named as the Bharatiya Janata Party candidate from Ahmednagar. Now, on Thursday, his wife, Dhanshri, also filed poll papers from the same parliamentary.
The office claimed that it's just a precautionary measure if any technical objection comes in Sujay Vikhe Patil's nomination.
Sujay is the son of the leader of opposition in the Maharashtra assembly, Radha Krishna Vikhe Patil who had left Congress a while ago when its ally Nationalist Congress Party had expressed reluctance over giving Ahmednagar to Congress as a part of the seat-sharing deal in Maharashtra.
His wife after leaving Congress claimed that supported her husband's decision.
The exit of senior party leader, Sujay had also come as a setback for the Congress.
His father later skipped the Congress-NCP alliance announcement on March 23rd in midst of the word wars with NCP Chief Sharad Pawar about his family.
"If Pawar despises my family so much, I would rather not campaign for the NCP candidate from Ahmednagar," Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil had said while making it clear that his son's decision to join the BJP was "personal".
In the Maharashtra seat-sharing pact, Congress will be contesting 26 seats in the state and the NCP will be contesting in 22 seats, including Ahmednagar where BJP's Dilip Gandhi is the sitting lawmaker.
Maharashtra will vote in four phases on April 11th, 18th, 23rd, and 29th.