BJP recently released its manifesto for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and received its fair share of criticism. Many people around the world spoke of how unrealistic the manifesto is in comparison to Congress’ Manifesto. Some even took a dig as to how the party has been promising to build the Ram Man Mandir or scrap off the Article 35A since decades now.
Congress President Rahul Gandhi took to Twitter today to express his opinion.
His tweet also came as a response to PM Modi’s remark at the Manifesto launch, "people sitting in AC rooms cannot fix poverty.”
"The Congress manifesto was created through discussion. The voice of over a million Indian people it is wise and powerful," Rahul Gandhi tweeted.
"The BJP Manifesto was created in a closed room. The voice of an isolated man, it is short-sighted and arrogant."
PM Modi and top ministers launched the Party’s manifesto on Monday promising an emphasis on national security, zero tolerance against terrorism and the creation of sustainable job opportunities.
The manifesto also spoke about welfare schemes for the farmers and others while promising an Rs. 100 lakh crore investment in infrastructure and tax breaks for the middle class in the next five years.
"Nationalism is our inspiration, empowering the poor is our philosophy and good governance is our mantra", PM Modi said at the mega launch.
Congress had launched its manifesto last week which spoke of the NYAY) scheme, which promises Rs. 72,000 a year for 20 percent of India's poorest. Meanwhile, the opposition promised a farm loan waiver in other states on the pattern of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
It further promised to review and replace the current Goods and Services Tax (GST) laws with a "GST 2.0 regime" based on a single, moderate, standard rate of tax on all goods and services.