Chief Minister Chandrashekhar Rao ( KCR ) has ordered officials for re-verification and re-counting of answer booklets of all students who failed in the Intermediate ( Inter Board ) examination. He said that if the passed students want to re-verify and re-count their papers, then according to the previous methodology, the necessary fees will be paid.
The Chief Minister has ordered the officers that the process of re-verification and re-counting should be completed within the stipulated time as early as possible. This does not harm the educational year of the students and so the supplementary examination is conducted smoothly.
CM KCR discussed emerging conditions regarding intermediate examination results, with Education Minister Jagdish Reddy, Secretary of Education Dr Janardhana Reddy, Inter-Board Secretary Dr Ashok and Chief Minister of State Government Dr Rajiv Sharma.
KCR ordered the officers to avoid any kind of problems in the conduct of examinations in future and effectively implement the necessary plans. About 15,000 students apply for verification and recounting of answer scripts after Inter results are out every year and their marks change after verification.