All preparations have been completed for the sixth phase of Uttar Pradesh elections, for fair and peaceful polling. Polling in 14 Lok Sabha constituencies of 16 districts will be from 7 AM to 6 PM. In the sixth phase, a total of 2,57,71,245 voters will exercise their franchise.
In this, 2.53 crore voters will decide the fate of the state. A total of 16,998 polling centres and 29076 polling booths have been created for this phase of elections. Polling parties will be leaving for booths on Saturday for the sixth phase elections.
Voting will take place on May 12 in Sultanpur, Pratapgarh, Phulpur, Allahabad, Ambedkar Nagar, Shravasti, Dumriaganj, Basti, Santakbir Nagar, Lalgonj Secure, Azamgarh, Jaunpur, Fisheries Secure and Bhadohi Lok Sabha constituencies. The promotion campaign stopped there 48 hours ago.