Prime Minister Narendra Modi met President Ram Nath Kovind at his official residence on 24th May, Friday to submit his resignation along with that of the Union Council of Ministers.
After the President accepted the resignation, the PM tweeted:
"The sun sets on this term but the brightness our work has brought will continue to illuminate the lives of millions. A new dawn awaits a new term beckons. We are even more determined to fulfil the dreams of 130 crore Indians and create the New India all of us dreamt of."
The President has ordered the Union Council of Ministers to continue until the next government is formed in the next few days.
After winning the elections with a margin more than 2014’s, PM Modi is set to be sworn in as the prime minister next week. The BJP workers from Varanasi, his constituency also gave him the official certificate of election.
He also met the officers and staff of the Prime Minister Office. "The prime minister appreciated the efforts and dedication of the entire office. He urged everyone to re-dedicate themselves to work even harder to play a key role in fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the people of India," an official statement read.