Home minister Amit Shah on Thursday visited the family of Jammu and Kashmir Police inspector Arshad Ahmed Khan. Khan was killed in a terror attack in Anantnag on 12th June. The visit took place in tight security arrangements as Shah visited the family in Bal Garden area of the city.
37-year-old Khan was injured in the terror attack and was later taken to Delhi in an air ambulance for specialized treatment. However, he succumbed to his injuries at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). He is survived by his wife and two sons, aged four and one.
Reportedly, another five CRPF personnel were also killed in the terror attack when lone Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist targeted a patrol team of the paramilitary force.
According to the reports by FirstPost, Khan who was the SHO of Saddar Police station in Anantnag, reached the site soon after the attack was reported.
Officials stated that the moment he stepped out of his official bulletproof vehicle, along with his service rifle, a barrage of bullets were fired by the terrorist. One ricocheted from the butt of his service rifle and hit his liver and duodenum.
Even in that severe condition, he kept firing bullets at the terrorist before he collapsed. Union Home minister Amit Shah on Thursday chaired the unified headquarters meeting of the security grid in Jammu and Kashmir and reviewed the overall security situation in the state, officials said.
The others who were present in the meeting were, State Governor Satya Pal Malik, his advisor-in-charge of home affairs K Vijay Kumar, chief secretary BVR Subrahmanyam, Northern army commander Lieutenant General Ranbir Singh, DGP Dilbagh Singh, heads of various intelligence agencies and paramilitary forces.