Minister for Civil Supplies Kodali Nani here on Wednesday said that the government decided to pack the sorted out rice with a low percentage of broken rice and supply to the ration cardholders in packets right at their doorstep through village volunteers. The Minister addressed the civil supplies officials at a workshop held at the Secretariat at Velagapudi. Civil Supplies Commissioner Kona Sasidhar, A Suryakumari, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of Civil Supplies Corporation, Joint Collectors of various districts and ITDA project officers, district civil supplies officials and district managers attended the workshop.
The Minister said that the appointment of village volunteers is in progress. As many as 446 rice mills were identified, which has the sortex machinery to grade the rice with up to 15 per cent of broken rice. The rice will be packed at the mills and shifted to godowns to be distributed to people along with other essential commodities through village volunteers.
He said that the people without ration cards would be identified and the village secretariats would receive applications from them. The new ration cards would be distributed to people from October 2, he added. The officials were informed about the way the rice and other commodities would be packed in various bags and distributed to the cardholders in the villages. The Minister informed the workshop the changes that were brought in the procurement of paddy for 2019-20 Kharif season.