Ram Chandra Dome


Feb. 8, 1959 in Chilla, Birbhum, West Bengal


Graduate Professional/N.R.S. Medical College & Hospital Kolkta 700014, Gurudas College (Pre-Medical) Kolkata, M.B.B.S. (Cal) Passed in the year 1983 Under Calutta University

Election History

Lok Sabha - 2019 - Bolpur (West Bengal - None - Lok Sabha) Lok Sabha - 2014 - Bolpur (West Bengal - None - Lok Sabha)
Election Party Result (Won/Lost) Position Votes Polled Votes polled(%) Margin
Bolpur(Lok Sabha-2019 ) Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM) Lost 91,964
Bolpur(Lok Sabha-2014 ) Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM)
